Students who develop a deep love and “awe” for Allah (swt) understand the importance of service from the Quranic Worldview – they serve Allah by being in service to His creation. At Legacy IOHS, we believe that no one is too young to start creating a legacy of good deeds. If students are encouraged to contribute to their communities from an early age, they will naturally develop in true servant-leaders as adults (insha’Allah). While our students engage in meaningful service to their local communities, they will also have opportunities to develop critical social, interpersonal, & leadership skills, insha’Allah.


Our Director of Student Community Engagement works with students to help them identify their interests and will facilitate in finding and implementing meaningful volunteer projects in their locale.  Students are required to participate in weekly individual meetings and monthly group meetings with the Director of Student Community Engagement.  Students must volunteer a minimum of 20 hours per semester and document their reflections and experiences in an electronic journal to be submitted at the end of each semester. Throughout the year, students will network with their peers and document their experiences in a portfolio.